The IT Wave

Over the past years, we have witnessed how Information Technology developed and grew rapidly. Everything was so fast, so rapid that in a blink of an eye we barely noticed how so much it had affected our lives.

Back then, when technology still hasn’t entirely dominated our life, everything was still handwritten, reports were made using manila papers, essays were written on bond papers, and the necessity for computers and gadgets were not that evident. I can still remember going to internet cafe shops for leisure and for exploring the wonders of Internet, which my young mind was very fascinated of.

But as I grew up and as everything adapted to the various innovations in the field of Information Technology, I began complaining as to why everything needs to be done and accomplished online, why essays and outputs should be printed, and why going to internet cafe shops became a necessity for me. Back then, we can survive without having personal laptops and gadgets but right now, not having any of those things given that your a college student is so difficult. Nowadays, we don’t do reports using manila papers instead we make PowerPoint presentations, we don’t write assignments or essays on paper, instead we do it using Word documents then print it afterwards. Everything became very reliant on technology and being equipped with knowledge about Information Technology became a necessity.

Despite of those various complaints I initially thought of, we still cannot deny the fact that it somehow or much ever made life easier and convenient for us. Doing researches is easier when using the Internet since there are several sources we can choose from. Even storing of notes became much easier since we don’t have to compile bundles of hard copies of lessons because we have soft copies on our mobile phones and laptops which is readily accessible and convenient to us.

Even in communication, technology made it very convenient for us to reach out to our loved ones since there are messaging apps, social media sites and various applications we can choose from. I could still remember when I first went here in the city to pursue my senior high school, I was very thankful of the existence of mobile phones and the development of Messenger app since I was able to communicate with my family which somehow eased my longing to come back home.

IT has really made life easier and comfortable for us despite of those initial remarks I had of it. It was so sudden how it surrounded our life making it necessary for us to adapt to new innovations in the field. It is like a wave we should watch out for and should set and know our limitations to since it can entirely engulf our life, drowning us to its depths.

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